The Decision Intelligence Blog | SCUBA

Why Privacy is Now Essential to Successful Marketing Goals

Written by SCUBA Insights | May 15, 2023 6:15:47 PM

Data privacy and regulatory compliance are top of mind for everyone in the advertising industry. But, tackling evolving privacy regulations on a global, cross-business scale is a massive challenge. One solution is privacy-by-design analytics.


As businesses strive to achieve optimal ROI and enhance their marketing spend, privacy concerns are becoming an increasingly important consideration. With worldwide privacy regulations continually evolving, it is critical for brands to implement privacy-by-design analytics in their marketing strategies. By doing so, businesses can ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, protect consumer privacy, and achieve greater marketing efficiency. 


In this blog, we'll share some insights on how marketing teams can benefit from privacy-by-design marketing analytics and evaluate privacy and consent technology more broadly.


What is Privacy-by-Design Analytics?

Privacy-by-design analytics refers to built-in compliance and privacy, which is implemented at ingest and through the entire data lifecycle. This approach aims to promote privacy and data protection at every stage of the analytics process, from data collection to analysis and reporting. With privacy-by-design analytics, businesses can ensure that they comply with privacy regulations while still achieving their marketing and business goals.

Benefits of Privacy-by-Design Marketing Analytics

Privacy-by-design marketing analytics can benefit businesses in a number of ways. Some key advantages:


  • Compliance with Privacy Regulations


Privacy-by-design analytics helps businesses comply with privacy regulations by integrating privacy considerations into the design of marketing analytics systems. This approach ensures that businesses are collecting, using, and storing consumer data in a way that is consistent with privacy regulations.


  • Enhanced Data Protection


Data security and protection are obviously top of mind for many brands, and built-in privacy regulations can help businesses protect consumer data—while still activating that data for marketing insights. This approach can help prevent data breaches, damaging brand reputation, and leading to legal consequences.


  • Increased Consumer Trust


As the demise of cookies continues, users now have more agency in controlling their data privacy preferences—and demand transparency from brands. Consumer trust is more important than ever, and this shift undoubtedly impacts a brand's reputation. By prioritizing privacy and data protection, businesses can build trust with their audience, which can lead to increased loyalty and engagement.


  • Improved Marketing Efficiency


With privacy-by-design marketing analytics, businesses can streamline their marketing processes and achieve greater efficiency in their marketing efforts. This approach can help businesses save time and money while still achieving their marketing goals.


  • Competitive Advantage & Increased Marketing ROI


By taking a proactive approach to privacy, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors who may be slower to adopt privacy-by-design marketing analytics. This can give businesses a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

A Checklist: Evaluating Privacy Analytics Solutions

As the need for privacy-first analytics solutions continues to grow, it can be challenging for businesses to evaluate the various solutions available. Finding a solution to a complex need that delivers across all business and marketing needs isn’t easy. When evaluating privacy and consent technology, brands need to consider five key factors:


1. Compliance with Privacy Regulations


The solution you choose should comply with the privacy regulations that apply to your business and the country, state, or region your brand operates. Look for solutions that have been independently audited for compliance.


2. Customizability


Look for solutions that can be customized to meet your specific business needs and requirements. This can help ensure that the solution is tailored to your business and is more effective in protecting consumer privacy.


3. User-friendliness


The solution should be user-friendly and easy to implement, and easy to use across departments. Look for solutions that offer user-friendly interfaces and clear instructions for implementation—your marketing team will thank you.


4. Integrations


The solution should be able to easily integrate with your existing systems and processes. This can help ensure that the solution is seamless and does not disrupt your existing workflows.


5. Scalability


The solution should be scalable, so it can grow with your business. Look for solutions that can accommodate growth and changing needs over time.

A Better Path Foward

As privacy regulations evolve, businesses must prioritize privacy and data protection to build trust with their audience and comply with regulatory requirements. If marketers and brands want to truly adapt to the new digital ad landscape, they need a new solution—that’s actually built for today’s needs.


Scuba Analytics is that solution.


Scuba Analytics is a privacy-by-design analytics solution that implements compliance upon ingest, in real-time, to ensure privacy and compliance at all times. Scuba solves the challenges above and helps brands achieve their ad attribution, spend, and campaign goals with real-time customer intelligence in the following ways:



  • Real-time attribution and campaign optimization: Optimize attribution measurement and lead propensity modeling with real-time insights into ad performance. Brands can track ad engagement (or lack thereof) and performance to minimize ad fatigue, ad blocking, and ad avoidance. Instead, brands can make in-flight changes to personalize ads and increase contextual relevance.
  • Hyper-personalize ads & audience segmentation: Use ultra-granular insights about customer behavior and interactions with ads to identify areas of success and opportunities to drive ROI, while providing relevant and contextual ads to users. In tandem, build ML models for adaptive ad buying & optimizing attribution measurement
  • Real-time sub-second ad campaign analytics: Optimize in-flight campaign performance to drive greater reach and frequency and inform future strategy.


Scuba’s modern architecture was built with privacy in mind to handle scale and truly democratize decision-making for marketing teams with actionable data. Explore our demo or request a custom walk-through of Scuba today.